Thursday, October 28, 2010

DMA179: Paper Zoo

For this assignment we (as a collective class) painted 6 different backgrounds including Savannah, Desert, Polar, Ocean, Plains and Rain Forest for our Paper Zoo. The next step was to draw two animals for each environment, scan the images and place them into their natural environment.

For the Savannah background, we had to draw a Lion and I chose to draw an additional Cheetah. The first thing I thought when I thought of Savannah was a Cheetah and they are pretty synonymous with each other. Cheetahs are an iconic animal and a very beautiful one, so I decided to use it.

For the Desert background, we had to draw a Desert Tortoise and I chose to draw an additional Scorpion. I thought a Scorpion would be an interesting take because they exist in the desert but I didn't think it was an obvious choice. They are also very interesting and dangerous creatures that you definitely would not want to underestimate in the wild.

For the Polar background, we had to draw a Penguin and I chose to draw an additional Polar Bear. The Polar Bear was an easy choice because it is the first animal anyone thinks of when they think of the arctic. There was no going wrong with the Polar Bear and they're very nice creatures as well, I would like to have one as a pet.

For the Ocean background, we had to draw a Squid and I chose to draw an additional Hammerhead Shark. There were so many choices for ocean, but the Hammerhead is a sea creature that fascinates me the most because it is so unique. The look really cool and they're pretty bad ass so I felt like I had to draw it.

For the Plains background, we had to draw a Buffalo and I chose to draw an additional Wolf. I felt like I needed to draw a wolf for one of these backgrounds. They live in all sorts of environments, Plains, Polar, Savannah, Desert and even Rain Forest. It was really an obvious choice but I'm sure everyone has one in at least one of their backgrounds.

For the Rain Forest background, we had to draw a Bush Baby and I chose to draw an additional Anaconda. I thought this would be really cool to draw an Anaconda because it's a really cool and dangerous looking animal. I thought it turned out very well and I really like snakes.

I really enjoyed this project, particularly sketching the animals. It very relaxing to just sit there and sketch rather than doing anything technical. I thought scanning and placing the sketches was very tedious but I think they turned out pretty well. I also decided to just place a fact about each animal for the information. The facts are short, concise and gives you a gist of what the animal is about, if you didn't know already.

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