Thursday, April 7, 2011

DMA234: Final Project Part 1

1. Assets

This is the picture of the skateboard that will be used for this project. It is the same skateboard from the first semester. We originally supposed to start our own brand of skateboard so I created the brand "Levitation" and a logo to go with it, featured on the back of the board. On the board there are two dragons, one of a blue colour and the other of a red colour. Dragons are shown as strong mythical creatures and the fact that they can fly works in conjunction with the brand name. The definition of "Levitation" is "defying gravity", which is something that skaters feel they're doing when they're skateboarding, going off jumps. So with that, the tagline created for the brand is "Defying rules, defying gravity", which are two things that skaters can relate to.

2. Planning/Conceptualization

The brand identity is that Levitation skateboards are premium skate decks that represent style, quality and innovation. We would want that to be shown through every media and every angle of the brand, from the board right down to the promotion of it. This is a little brain storming that was done with association with the brand, what it stands for and the consumers. In order to build a strong connection with the consumers and really get them to live and breathe the brand, we must first study their behaviour and cater to them accordingly.

3. Storyline

It is said that dragons are the most fearsome and powerful creatures ever. They have the ability to breathe balls of fire and fly effortlessly through the air at blistering speeds. Through-out their history, dragons have somehow been tamed by humans, despite being much stronger than humans. Of course that is all mythical, and humans can only hope to be as fierce as dragons are. We can't possible tame dragons. But, it is believed in ancient culture that tattooing a dragon on your body would help bring you strength and confidence. So that is exactly what we have done. The Levitation skate deck is infused with two tribal dragon tattoos, one a dragon of water and the other is a dragon of fire, to give the user determination and strength. In addition, the user possesses the same intimidation traits as a dragon would with their tough exterior appearance.

Stay tuned for more with this project.

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