Wednesday, April 13, 2011

DMA234: Final Project Part 2

See Part 1

4. Guidelines

Fonts: Vani (On the skatedeck), Onyx (On poster)

Skate Deck Element: See Part 1

Colour scheme: Blue and Red on White.

Legal Copy: All Rights Reserved. 2011. © Kevin Duong.

Size: 24" x 18" @ 300DPI

Orientation: Portrait

5. Sketches

These were a couple quick sketches I did just to get the overall layout of the poster laid out and just to give me an idea of how much space I had to work with.

6. Concept

For this poster, I wanted to get across the idea of elements in relation to the dragons on the skate deck. I really want the poster to emphasize the skateboard design and really bring it to life. Kind of like the ying and yang, I want the polar opposites of the dragons to be emphasized in the design, like fire vs. water.

Stay tuned for the final board design.

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