Sunday, November 14, 2010

DMA204: Sneaker Magazine Ad

Before and After

Being from an advertising program prior to DMA, I was really excited for this assignment. The assignment was to photograph a pair of shoes and turn that photo into a magazine ad. And I think with shoes, you really have to take a visual and lifestyle approach with its advertising. I had quite a few pairs of shoes to choose from but I decided to use this pair of Reebok Freestyles just because of how photogenic it is.

The idea behind the ad was self-expression. Knowing the target audience for the brand and the shoes, it was easy to say that whoever would wear these shoes would want to make a statement. And since these shoes are the New York edition Freestyles, I had to take it to the roots of New York and the 5 boroughs. The challenge was setting these shoes in a New York environment when we live in Toronto. So I took it to the back alleys of Toronto, trying to take advantage of graffiti to mimic that New York street art look. Now the lighting wasn't very great in the alleys so I took it to photoshop to boost some of the colour values and made the background a bit brighter. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out and I had fun carrying these shoes around all day, taking pictures and having people thinking "what the hell is he doing". Good times.

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